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Finally feeling like you have it all... the business you want, the time to enjoy life, and the freedom to be who you are

It's possible, I promise.

If you're ready to have it all, it's time for you to have it all.

No more hoping and affirming it's on its way.

No more doubting your daily journal scripting.

It's time to make it your reality with a mix of masculine structures + processes and feminine intuition plus your own mix of badass magic.


Finally feeling like you have it all... the business you want, the time to enjoy life, and the freedom to be who you are  

It's possible, I promise.

If you're ready for that business where you're making big money ($5k, 10k, 25k - whatever big money is to you) while only working 30 hours a week and actually taking lunch breaks to walk your dog... 

It's time to make it your reality with a mix of masculine structures + processes and feminine intuition plus your own mix of badass magic. 


One-On-One Mentoring

Looking to make big changes with a high level of support?

These fully customized mentoring packages can support you exactly where you are to help you get to living the life you want as the version of yourself you want to be.

Whether you're discovering who you are for the first time and freaking out that you don't know what to do with your business or going through your umpteenth transition, let me help reassure you you are exactly right, exactly as you are right now.

This is ideal for the woman who has been in business for at least a year and has an idea of who she wants to serve and how she may want to show up. That idea may be really vague or fully defined; either way, I'll help you flesh it out and implement it without letting your fear and ego stall you.

For those who want a bit more detail; these typically involve Zoom calls, messaging support, private Intuitive Arts sessions and a whole lotta love!

How I Can Support Your Vision of Success

For those ready for 360° support

Private Coaching

You've been in business awhile and you've tried all the things (30 day reels challenges, ads, thousands in courses + DIY, scouring FB groups and giving away tons of value, Threads, TikTok) and it's working but not as well as you know it can. 

You're aces at what you do; you get amazing results for your clients and they love working with you. 

But you feel like you're hitting a limit - it's time to hit a new income level and you need help filling in some strategic gaps to get there without the struggle and hustle. 

You KNOW this is the path for you; you are here to change the world, to be different, to have the life you want. 

Imagine not starting your workday until 10am, giving you plenty of time for 'me time' in the morning, thoroughly loving working with your absolute favorite clients day in and day out, and even shutting down at 3pm because you don't waste time 'doing all the things' anymore - you are highly efficient and effective in far less time!

It's time to make it work EVEN BETTER

To make WAY MORE money

To have the MASSIVE impact you want to have. 

To live the life you want while holding that title of 'Successful AF Business Owner'. 

I'm here to help you get there faster and more easily. 

Together we will:

  • Create cohesive strategies to hit that next elusive income level (maybe it's your first $5k month or your first $15k month)
  • Get you to show up (where you want, not where you think you should be) as an AUTHORITY people WANT to pay
  • Streamline, automate, and simplify your business so you know exactly what's happening all the time WITHOUT doing all the things

Who would benefit the most from private coaching:

  • Seasoned business owners who have 'been there and done that' and are ready to ditch the bullshit and make it actually happen. No more 'follow this strategy and you'll get there too!' nonsense; we'll (re)structure all your offers, systems, strategies, and mindsets to get you to those big-ass goals that have been sitting on your vision board for way too long.

  • New entrepreneurs who are ready to dig in, dive deep, and make their business a reality from the get-go. No more piecing together random freebie trainings and DIY programs; we'll get you structured well from the start so you can achieve your goals faster.

6 Month Package

Monday - Friday messaging support on the (free) Voxer app

2 75-minute calls per month

Full audit of your business to see what's working well and what can be improved

My eyes on your business - socials, copy, pretty much anything you can think of that would benefit from a second set of eyes or sounding board

$5,000 total - Payment plans available with no convenience fees ($5k split into X number of months)

For those looking for shorter term support

Accelerator Week

5 days of Voxer (free messaging app) support to help you through a specific project 

These are ideas to discuss launch strategies, to work through offer suite stacking, or mapping out 90 day visibility plans.

This includes 5 days of Voxer access from 10am - 6pm EST and an array of text and voice messaging. 


Intuitive Arts

An empowered journey back to your authentic self.

These 75-minute virtual group classes help you quiet the rational mind that is driving you crazy so you can connect with your intuition and who you really are.

Find the answers you're desperately looking for outside yourself from your own inner wisdom and magic.

These Intuitive Arts sessions are also available privately for a more intimate and customized experience.

If you are looking for a fully unique, individually channeled session where the activity prompts, playlist, and the entire experience is specific to what you want to work through, I encourage you to book a private 75-minute session.

One-Time Offers & Smaller Support Options

For those who want to shift, transform, and release with intuition + creativity 

Intuitive Arts

An empowered journey back to your authentic self.

These 75-minute experiential energy sessions help you turn your logical mind off so you can tune into the wisdom of your body and Higher Self. 

Find the answers you're desperately looking for outside yourself from your own inner wisdom and magic. 

These sessions are customized to work through a specific theme that's coming up for you; these have covered visibility fears, self doubt, fear of failure, lack of clarity, and much more.

These sessions include a channeled playlist and activity prompts along with a variety of drawing, movement, guided meditations, and more. 

These sessions are also available for groups. If you're interested in hosting one for your group, program, mastermind, or something else please use the Contact page to discuss. 

Power Hour 

A 60-minute coaching call to dig into one specific topic; these can cover strategy plans or mindset blocks that are coming up for you. 

Includes a 60-minute Zoom call and follow-up notes as appropriate.

Courses + Tools

Browse a variety of pre-recorded trainings, trackers, and downloadable tools to help you with specific areas in your business. 


The Guild - coming soon!

A membership for the development of your soul; will include Intuitive Arts sessions, somatic alignment calls, community support calls, co-working sessions, book clubs, and more.

Coming Summer 2023

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